Sunday, February 5, 2017

Self Generating Text and Creativity Bots

BOTS as are simple programs of code made to do relatively simple tasks for generally obvious purposes. Some bots gather information and present it in a desired way, others can go out of their way to flood the web with information to cause confusion, it all depends on who created them and why.
While bots aren’t exactly self-aware, they can be made to react to changing situations, and act according Bots can be very versatile in what they do. Some can be used on twitter to spam users. One called as Pentametron, and searches out tweets that are in Iambic Pentameter

A very serious one manages edits on wikipedia that come from the government officials in Washington D.C.

Self generating text has an endless supply of uses and possibilities. It is the definition of human creativity mixing with using the powers of the computer. It can create music lyrics, poems, and even write a book. The text is endless and goes on for ever. In my digital humanities class we looked at a piece by Nick Montifort called Taroko Ridge. THE TEXT NEVER ENDS!

Overall self generating text and bots are something that can be used for something serious like the bot that monitors wikipedia for edits or they can be something as fun and creative as something the bot that searches for tweets in Iambic Pentameter.It’s also worth saying that this technology should shine some light on just how bright our future can be if this technology is improved. However, it also raises the question of just how much automation we can incorporate into our daily lives. What roles will humans have left if robots can even be more creative than

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