Friday, March 31, 2017

Quiz 10 and Datamining!

Today, we used Voyant to Datamine the blog for stuff we might've missed. After digging through one of Brendan's posts, heres what we found.

Turns out the guy really likes poetry, who would've thought?

Monday, March 27, 2017

The Battle for the East Allegheny

Somewhere in a world just like ours, with people just like us, there is a war about to begin. It will not claim the lives of many, and it will redfine warfare as we know it. One way or another, peace will be assured.Welcome to Penn Hills

Philadelphia vs. Pittsburgh

Here's a story of the different food places during my visits to Pittsburgh do not compare, in my opinion, to my food options in my home, Philadelphia.
There's No Food Like Home

Traveling Cheerleader

This is a google maps essay of all the places I have traveled to in one cheerleading season. Every season is just like the last with a few exceptions. Enjoy!

Pittsburgh Pirates Twitter Bot (Cory Geer)

This is a twitter bot that picks up on Pittsburgh Pirates tweets.

Human Brains a thing of the Past?

One day in the near future or even now computers will be smarter than all of mankind. The technological singularity the hypothesis that the invention of artificial super intelligence will abruptly trigger runaway technological growth, resulting in unfathomable changes to human civilization. The question around this will be results of Technological Sigularity be good or bad?


 A futurist who has look at this is Ray Kurzweil. Kurzweil is an author, computer scientist and inventor. He has hit on many predictions regarding technological advances in the past. In 1999, he predicted…'

… that people would be able talk to their computer to give commands by 2009. While still in the early days in 2009, natural language interfaces like Apple’s Siri and Google Now have come a long way.

Maybe his most important prediction is that by the 2020s, most diseases will go away as nanobots become smarter than current medical technology.

The biggest prediction he and other scitists have is by the year 2045 humans will be able to store their consciousness to a cloud. That just means that a human would be able to crate a digital version of themselves. The question though of doing that is, is the human actualy storing their consciousness or are they just creating a copy of themselves. Hopefully by that time we will have the correct answer to that issue.